Letters To The Editor: Feb. 27, 2025

Thank You, Jeff
Many people, including me, have very fond memories of Jeff Bremner, former town of Chatham Transfer Station foreman. Jeff was a kind, hard-working boss, loved by his staff and determined to make the TS the best it could be. As his obituary in the Feb. 13 Chronicle stated, “Jeff started the transfer station’s recycling program, fighting those who considered it to be ‘hippie nonsense’ (you know who you are!)”. We, and the planet, are all the better for it. Thank you, Jeff, and smooth sailing!
Paulette Fehlig
and ChathamRecycles
and ChathamRecycles
Leash Your Dog!
As spring fast approaches and the days are getting longer, the Chatham Conservation Foundation has more visitors than ever on our modest trails at Frost Fish Creek, Mill Pond Overlook and Barclays Pond. Our land stewardship team is out and about monitoring properties as well as reviewing trail camera footage, and in both cases we are encountering many unleashed dogs on and off the trails.
Our goal is “Helping Nature Thrive,” and our policy is that pets must be leashed. We are asking for the public's help in maintaining safe trails for all. Unleashed dogs pose a hazard to humans, other pets, wildlife and the fragile fauna of our forests. Unleashed dogs are potentially frightening and dangerous to both the nature lover and their furry friend. It is simply unconscionable to walk your dog on private property and disregard the rules.
This winter has been challenging, and we are so glad that our neighbors are out and about enjoying themselves. Please don't increase the risk that your neighbor might fall and be injured in an attempt to protect themselves or their dog from harm. Fear alone may keep visitors from returning to our trails because of someone's disregard and thoughtlessness, please don't be that person.
Leash your dog!
Lauren Arcomano, executive director
Chatham Conservation Foundation
Chatham Conservation Foundation
Park Restoration Suggestion
Perhaps a small percentage of the selling price of the art objects sold in Art in The Park exhibits could be set aside for restoring the grass and ground that is being destroyed by foot traffic. Or even place a “donation box” with its purpose stated to restore the grounds near the entrance for visitors to make contributions.
Debbie Swenson
Zoning Changes Will Impact Housing
In her Feb. 20 letter to the editor (“More Housing Options Needed”), Alisa Magnotta, CEO of the Cape’s Housing Assistance Corporation, hit squarely on the solution to Chatham’s housing shortage. “What we need in communities across the Cape are more housing options, especially the ‘missing middle’ inventory for the people who make our economy hum.” She also wrote, “New developments help meet this need by adding both affordable and market-rate housing” and I would add to that, restoring housing options for working class people and families who once formed the core of Chatham’s wonderfully diverse community.
Ms. Magnotta also said: “Households making less than $200,000 a year still struggle to find a place to live on the Cape. A greater supply of properly scaled and well-designed housing options would help meet the needs of year-round residents.” This new math may surprise many of us older Chatham residents, but it is today’s inflated reality. Her remarks echo a recent Chronicle editorial warning that “If we don’t address the tough questions head-on, we’ll never come close to ensuring affordable and decent housing for all.”
The Chatham Planning Board will unveil limited zoning reforms aimed at helping to restore affordable and decent housing for all in Chatham on March 10 at 5 p.m. at the town hall annex on George Ryder Road. I urge every Chatham voter concerned with the lack of housing for all in Chatham to attend, become informed and make your voice heard in support of these needed reforms. Voters will decide Chatham’s future at town meeting on May 10.
Rick Leavitt
West Chatham
West Chatham
Way Town Managed Needs To Change
I watched Stephen Daniel, chair of the Chatham Finance Committee speak at the select board meeting of Feb. 18. A huge “thumbs-up” for a job well done. It’s unfortunate that our town manager is defensive and does not seem to want to follow these suggestions. A few things that really stood out during his review were the following:
The affordable housing trust has plans now for 90 units of affordable housing and 200 total in five years. Is there an ample supply of water? Chatham still has issues with water demand. What is being done about this? This is serious. We seem to be advancing other projects that aren’t as serious as our water supply.
The second issue which concerns many was the amount of free cash the town has. For the past four to five years there has been a suggested policy that 3 to 5 percent of the town’s general operating budget may be used for free cash. Our figure is at 12 percent. Nine of the last 10 years has shown us the free cash has been over the suggested limit. Mr. Daniel opined that no one seems to want to make the effort to rein this in, despite repeated requests/suggestions to do so. He asked, “why do we have a policy if no one adheres to it?” He said this puts an unnecessary burden on the taxpayers. I couldn’t agree more. He also mentioned that by using free cash at town meeting, it overrides the will of voters because free cash can be used with only a majority vote instead of the required two-thirds to pass at town meeting. Eleven million dollars of free cash is being used for the transfer station, COA and capital improvement projects that only require a majority vote, leaving only $600,00. This is intentional to get their pet projects through. We should be reserving free cash for the middle school repairs which will be in the millions for the health of our children.
The budget also calls for five new hires, representing an 18.4 percent growth rate, which Daniel said is “concerning.” There have been 25 new positions over the last several years. The town is not growing in population. Is this really necessary?
There was a discussion about increasing water fees, beach and transfer sticker fees, building permit fees, as well as many other fees. How about decreasing spending instead of having the taxpayer foot the bill for all of this? The majority of year-round folks are over 65 and are on a fixed income. By increasing these fees, it goes against common sense. Chatham has a serious issue with spending our money.
I also wanted to mention that during this meeting, Mr. Nicastro was the only board member taking notes. Mr. Metters was not in attendance and Ms. Davis was remote. I find it ironic that Mr. Schell and Mr. Dykens, who are running for reelection, just sat back and watched and took no notes. In addition, when folks speak at meetings, none of their concerns are addressed. All they receive is a “thank you.” It’s time some changes are made the way this town is managed. More help is not going to solve the fact that folks are not doing their jobs. By advancing the proposed budget, it shows everyone is just complacent. This needs to stop.
Judy Patterson
West Chatham
West Chatham
Help Prevent Homelessness
Thanks to the help of the community, the Chatham Ecumenical Council Helping Prevent Homelessness (CECH) was were able to grant $61,784 in assistance to 32 individuals and families living in Brewster, Chatham, Dennis, Eastham, Harwich, Orleans, Truro and Wellfleet.
We aim to prevent homelessness before it occurs in Chatham and surrounding communities from Harwich up to Provincetown. If you are having trouble paying your rent, mortgage, or energy bills because of economic difficulties, medical issues or job loss, please reach out to us at PreventingCapeHomelessness.org.
Erin Minichiello, president
Chatham Ecumenical Council Helping Prevent Homelessness
Chatham Ecumenical Council Helping Prevent Homelessness
Contact Cape Representative
It may well come as a surprise to many, but even in this waterbound corner of Massachusetts, we are represented in the House of Representatives in Washington. Our senators, Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, are publicly outspoken in their resistance to the despicable and destructive actions by President Musk, his lackey Donald Trump, and the largely unqualified cabinet members they have forced through the Senate. Other Massachusetts members of Congress conduct town halls with voters, are heard and seen on radio and TV, in the press and on social media and generally present their opinions and activity for review by their constituents. My review of these platforms for activity by our representative William Keating, reveals little, if any.
I suggest that we on the Cape, while having little clout individually, are entitled to expect our elected representative to hear from and speak for us. If you agree, I urge you to contact him by phone at 508-771-6868 or by email through his website.
Ralph W. Smith
Harwich Port
Harwich Port
A Crowded Corner
The Chronicle reports that a Hyannis developer is currently planning a mixed use housing project on 1.5 acres which he has named "West Harwich Square." According to this developer, plans include constructing 40 apartments located at the corner of Route 28 and Depot West.
The "West Harwich Square" proposal includes converting the existing Captain Baker House to apartments and construction of two additional apartment buildings, one of which is using the moniker of "The Exchange Building" to appeal to the public's emotions and justify a much taller and larger building than would have otherwise been allowed. If recreated, this new "Exchange Building" will become the tallest building in the town jammed into a small corner lot looming over the intersection at Route 28. This same developer is presently developing the old West Harwich Schoolhouse along with a new smaller apartment building on the same property.
There are plans to convert the West Harwich Baptist Church to apartments, additionally there are reports that the former office building adjacent to the Church will also be converted to apartments.
Should all of these apartment projects come to fruition, the result will be the formation of nearly 100 apartments in one small block of Captain's Row, thereby creating density to the detriment of what was once a beautiful stretch of historic West Harwich. (Currently about a half mile away in Dennisport there are at least six apartment buildings under construction.)
The gateway to Harwich clearly needs improvement, but jamming too many apartments in a small block is not the solution. As last week's Chronicle editorial indicated, there is an "occupancy problem" with regards to affordable housing on the Cape as almost half of established homes are seasonal. Most young families and working professionals would prefer affordable starter homes so they can build equity, not more apartment buildings.
K. White
West Harwich
West Harwich
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